Dear Editor,

First, congratulations are in order, Ms. Smith, upon your engagement as editor of the Democrat. I wish you the very best.

However, I just wanted to comment on a recent article. I will do so in the context of the New York Times’ age old motto — “all the news that’s fit to print.” I’m not at all sure they still observe that slogan, but it’s probably a good reminder for all print media.

That being said, as much as I know that there’s all kinds of “credos out there,” I was still disappointed to see that the banner headline for the lead article of a recent edition of The Democrat announced,“ Quietly Queer.” It was probably nearly the size of the headline that memorialized the end of World War II! Hasn’t glorifying “Walking Dead,” been, as it is said, “enough already!”

Although we know that the “stuff” may be news, in the narrower sense, is it “fittin” to publish? We all have our idiosyncrasies and shortcomings, and folks have the right to privacy, vis-a-vis, their private lives. Most of us respect that right, even if we don’t subscribe to the lifestyle. What, again, most of us who disagree with is the “fringe” throwing it so blatantly in our faces….

Too much time, attention, and newsprint, in my opinion, is devoted to the queers’ lifestyles, causes, and the old “woe is me” victimhood that they so often portray. Maybe it needs to/should be written about and reported in small town newspapers, but personally, I just don’t see it.

Again, congratulation to the Democrat for placing its future in the hands of a local person. Although I am not technically a member of the Harrison County community, I have been close to it over the years, and continue to be an appreciative subscriber.

Respectfully yours.

Don Wells

Falmouth, Kentucky

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