Isn’t there something magical about the weather process we call snow? You look out the window and there are millions of different shaped flakes falling from the sky and suddenly changes happen. First of all, and probably the most noticeable, is the silence that hushes so much of the noise of the day. Then everything we see out our window or from the porch begins to change color. If it was dirty it soon looks wiped clean. If it was scarred the snow finds a way to fill up the ugly gash. Snow flakes catch in the kittens eyelashes giving the little creatures a come hither look, I guess. I really don’t know what makes for a ‘come hither’ invitation in the cat world.

This magical transformation of everything that the snow graces does not last very long. Soon you will see tiny tracks of mice, squirrels, rabbits — many small creatures — as they crisscross your backyard looking for something to eat. While we may be entranced by the metamorphorsis happening on this snowy morning our animal neighbors find yet another obstacle in their constant battle for something to eat. Then we humans break out the snow shovels and begin creating paths of escape from our warm houses. Once you tromp, shovel or play in this glorious white expanse it loses all its pristine charm.

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